Advice on disrepair issues

What is a landlord responsible for?
You should check what your tenancy agreement says about the landlords repairing duties. However, the law places certain repairing duties on a landlord.

A landlord is responsible for :

·structure and exterior of the property (such as roof, walls, floors and window frames);
·basins, sinks, baths and toilets;
·heating and hot water installations.

But is not responsible for:

·Damage caused by the tenant;
·Anything belonging to the tenant;
·Purely decorative items;
·Furniture and white goods;
·Outside paving;
·Garden walls and gates.

What is a tenant responsible for?
You must:

·Look after the property as a reasonable tenant would;
·Do smalll jobs such as changing lightbulbs

What a tenant can do if a landlord is not carrying out repairs?
Negotiate with the landlord
The first step is to talk to your landlord. It is also advisable to write to the landlord with details of any disrepair. Always keep a copy of any letters sent. Give him the opportunity to inspect and repair the problems. A landlord is entitled to enter the property to inspect for or carry out repairs after giving 24 hours notice.
Doing repairs yourself
In some circumstances you can get the necessary repairs done yourself and deduct the cost from your rent.

What the council can do if the landlord is not carrying out repairs?
If your landlord is not carrying out repairs you can speak to the Regulatory Services Department. They can:

·Inspect the property;
·If they agree that the landlord has to carry put repairs to the property they will serve him with a notice to do the works within a set time.

If the landlord still doesn’t carry out the works they can:

·Carry out the repairs themselves and charge the landlord;
·Take your landlord to Court to obtain an injunction to carry out the repairs and/or order him to pay a fine;

What legal action can a tenant take?
If you have written to the landlord about the disrepair and give him reasonable time to carry out the work, but he has still refused to do so, then you can commence legal action against him. You may be able to obtain an injunction to force him to carry out the works and you may also get compensation.
If your landlord is not carrying out repairs and you require advice and assistance, there are various ways you can use our service:
In person:
Ealing Council
Housing Reception
Perceval House
14-16 Uxbridge Road
W5 2HL

Opening hours are Monday to Friday, 9.00am – 4.30pm

By telephone:
020 8825 8888
By email:
By visiting our website:
In writing:
Housing Advisory Service
Ealing Council
4th Floor Perceval House
14-16 Uxbridge Road
W5 2HL